Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gubernick Update

Hey everyone. It has been some time since my last blog. The Gubernicks are doing great. No major changes here. Dallin is starting baseball and is extremely excited. We are busy dealing with Sydney and her sleep walking episodes. Ezra is our little tyrant, and keeps Rocky and I on our toes. As for Rocky he will be starting his Masters program in a few weeks and I am also studying to earn one of my first Insurance designations the A.R.M. . This last month I had the wonderful opportunity of going to Utah for my Nana's funeral. It was a great trip where all of my brothers and sisters were able to attend. Attached are a few photos from my trip. I also attached photos of the kids on Christmas Eve night opening their traditional PJ's. The other photos are of my Brother Kyle's kids. They came to stay with us over the New Year week. We had a blast and the kids loved seeing each other. We hope everyone out there is doing well and wish you all the best. Love - The Gubernicks